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Selena Gomez (Video + Letra + Karaoke) (1)

It's the boy who never told I like you
It's the girl you let get away
It's the one you saw that day on the train
But you freaked out and walked away

It's the plane you wanna catch to vegas
Things you swear you do before you die
It's the city you love that waits for you
But you're too damn scared to fly

[Chorus] x2
Hit the lights
Let the music move you
Lose yourself tonight
Come alive
Let the moment take you
Lose control tonight

It's the time that you totally screwed up
Still you try to get it out your brain
It's the fight you head when you didn't make up
It's the past that you're dieing to change
It's all the money that you're saving
While the good life passes by
It's all the dreams that never came true
Cause you're too damn scared to try

[Chorus] x2
Hit the lights
Let the music move you
Lose yourself tonight
Come alive
Let the moment take you
Lose control tonight

It's a mad, mad world
Gonna make it escape
It's a perfect world
When you go all the way
Hit the lights
Let the music move you
Lose yourself tonight

So let's go (go, go, go) all the way
Yeah let's go (go, go, go) night and day
From the floor to the rafters
People raise your glass
We could dance forever

[Chorus] x2
Hit the lights
Let the music move you
Lose yourself tonight
Come alive
Let the moment take you
Lose control tonight
It's a mad, mad world
Gonna make it escape
It's a perfect world
When you go all the way
Hit the lights
Let the music move you
Lose yourself tonight

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