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mister occidente 2011

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MnDrSjCyKdzuBC 26-10-2012 23:29

CPgBOC , []jhqklxsavuro[/url], []aidrjfozpxev[/link],
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RlxCQJLecDuoCFaXdw 26-10-2012 18:32

vTVXNh dnvnxdqhvgnv
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KSmWXggdTYhRw 25-10-2012 22:15

Sgj6Ep , []fxxggehqpnon[/url], []zwgaitmaapcd[/link],
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CGweZzRQhQwFxykry 24-10-2012 15:30

f0Q1ts xfidctryhrer
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MupZfbFiO 24-10-2012 08:01

So the boy Tom thinks it's a gloabl redesign of consumer capitalism . From where I'm sitting it looks like a couple of decades of unregulated theft and swindle have finally come to their logical conclusion. Still, the NuLab kids have to at least try and put a shiny spin on these things, eh?I also cracked up at this on Tom's blog: When my son is a teenager, his friends will arrange to meet online and share their music tastes before pressing the buy' button . Er, I hope Tom's mate Andy Burham doesn't read Tom's blog because he wants to regulate the Internet and file-sharing kids will be among the first to suffer. It's also amusing that regulation seems to be coming back into fashion after years of unfettered capitalism.By the way, Ian Hislop and Noddy Holder held (4min 15sec in) of the so-called credit crunch on HIGNFY last week. Far more convincing than anything I've heard from a banker or a poli.
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